Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Onyx Sun Web Site

What better way to commemorate my recent writing contest success, which I will announce in a day or two, than to launch a new web site too!

The new version of the web site is finally live! I've wanted to update it for a while as the last version had a few distinct flaws. The new site:
  • Loads faster
  • Has the navigation more accessibly located at the top
  • Takes up less screen space "before the fold" so people can see the content below the splashy graphics without having to scroll
  • Has a highlight box on the right for recent announcements
  • Integrates more Feedburner services so I can provide dynamic information easier, like updates from my blog!
I built web sites like this one for the last fourteen years (since 1996! yikes!), and I always like to watch how sites evolve. At the end of each iteration, I always remember being happy with the end product. Yet, as I learn the site's flaws and architect a new iteration, I look back and wonder how I could possibly have been happy with the previous version. I guess innovation is a ceaseless process like that!

Anyway, here are some screengrabs of each version from v1 on the top to the most recent on the bottom. You can also visit the new real deal online of course at



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